So, I began my blog ranting about my job search when I attended a career fair close to a year ago, but I wanted to express how my perception has slowly changed (and it may take a few posts but here is the first).
I am now a senior AND I have 6 internships (gasp!), but more importantly, I am wiser than my rant in my younger years. In my first post, I spoke about being involved because I was in over 4 Asian American organizations, and it seemed like no one cared. Employers wanted concrete job experience instead of leadership experience. I was so flustered when I wrote about it. I thought to myself...what's up with that?
Well, from personal experience, I will say that organizational involvement, whether employers look at it or not, is a major tool for any student. In all my internships, I personally felt as if I did well because I knew how to handle myself.
Why? Because all of my previous experiences in organizations gave me the knowledge to handle pressure . Second, I could get along with ANYONE. I think this is one of the biggest assets I gained. I worked with different people all day. Additionally, getting involved with any organization teaches initiative. I am always looking at what I can do for my organizations and I think this translates to a job. In every job I have ever held, I always looked at what I can do for my client. In my opinion, you can't really teach that in a job setting.
So is that it? Students should join clubs because they will receive personal fulfillment? NO! Believe it or not, with the personal fulfillment, organizational involvement will also help you land an internship.
Once you land that interview, people will start asking about your involvement.Be truthful and you will be remembered.
So is that all I learned in a year?
Honestly, I am still angry at some aspects of the lack of diversity in PR, however I see that internships are key whether you are White, Black, Asian, or Latino. I was only thinking from my perspective, but employers need to be smart about hiring, so they want people with experience.
Six internships?! And that many student organizations?! Do you sleep?
In any case, I've noticed similar things. There are some people who think they can just get experience and it help them start their career; the other group of people are the over-involved in student organizations and don't have as much time to dedicate to internships. I think it's important to learn the balance of both as you have done. Thanks for sharing your experiences!
I always knew you were involved syands, but dang 6 internships and 4 student orgs? Wow! Props =)
I definitely agree with you because I see it for myself. Love your posts~!
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