First, I wanted to thank Dr. Russel for giving me a few tips on finding diversity research!
I found a research study yesterday from the Journal of Public Relations Research entitled "Diversity Issues and Public Relations" by Linda Childers Hon and Brigitta Brunner from the University of Florida [oh how I shudder at the mere clicks from typing University of Florida--true bulldawg =) but I must admit that it is a good study]. However, the study used qualitative interviews from 28 practitioners and 5 executives and asked them about their organizations diversity strategy.
I am not done analyzing the study, however I wanted to speak about some of the comments from the interviews.
Before I do so, I have to acknowledge something, these people who are interviewed are professionals. Sighs! It is scary reading some of their answers!
Before I do so, I have to acknowledge something, these people who are interviewed are professionals. Sighs! It is scary reading some of their answers!
One participant mentioned that she had never heard of diversity.
The interviewers had to give her a generic definition before she could even answer their questions.
After the explanation, she stated, "It's old news."
"Holey moley" is what I have to say. These are people who are working in OUR industry,
I have to put my 2 cents in and write about this comment before continuing with my life.
Having diversity in an organization is one way that a company can be sensitive to the issues of everyone. It's true that not everyone will be happy--but at least with a good diversity plan, a company can recognize and begin to understand the spectrum of publics that they are dealing with. A less diverse employee base will result in an organization ignoring potential clients.
Anyway, I will update soon on the rest of the study, but this is quite an interesting topic. Oh my, do I enjoy research...?
1 comment:
This is a great blog, and good luck with discussing the diversity issues in public relations.
What other research articles have you located?
Have you looked at Donnalyn Pompper's articles in Journal of Public Relations Research, or have you looked at the research that Rochelle Ford has done?
Also, check out the collection of diversity-related dissertation and theses done at the University of Maryland (e.g., Sha, ReVelle, Mallette, Ferreira, Yamashita, Tindall). And look up some AEJMC papers; Eyun-Jung Ki wrote a great piece on Asian American practitioners.
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