So, as all of you might have noticed, I have been on a hiatus of sorts (like I can even deny it, right?), however this mini-vacation was a sort of evaluation on what we need to discuss.
The past few posts have been about diversity as a separate issue from everything else. Let's face it, I have ostracized it, but in all honesty, it is an issue that is dealt with separately all too often, however I want to discuss diversity as a subject that is inter-related with other aspects of PR. I want to pose this question to you- can we have a discussion about PR and diversity in a larger scope or do we need to separate the issue all together?
I really want answers. Why? Well, I want to discuss this because of the economic situation. The less corporations and agencies have in the budget, the less they are willing to spend on 'diversity' related aspects of the company. Diversity, sadly, is at the bottom of the priorities of management. So what? Well, I want to think of ways to integrate the discussion, but I want to hear from you. What do you think? Are diversity-talks doomed to abstract ideas that we go over once or can we incorporate it in the culture of a company?
I'll post my thoughts next week.